I tried to think I could avoid blogging about the attack on Planned Parenthood.
I really thought I could keep my mouth shut and avoid this.
I was on a news reading kick for a while...But I found myself constantly feeling nauseous, stressed out and on the verge of tears about the injustices in the world.
Everywhere you look, from both sides, attacks are being made on women...and my heart keeps breaking for them.
I have never been quiet about my pro-choice/pro-women stance/politics. I really feel these issues are "hush hush" because we choose for them to be. Sadly...I never learned the appropriate time to keep my mouth shut...Maybe that's part of my charm?! Ok...Not so much.
Doing some research this past week on women's healthcare (because I am a nerd and research public health for fun), I found that the Mirena IUD costs the company $4 to make. Insurance companies charge on average $700-$1200 just for the IUD, not including Dr's fees.
Planned Parenthood charges $500 total.
Women's health seems to take the worst toll in the area of for-profit medicine. Especially considering more insurance companies cover Viagra than adaquate coverage of birth control. I mean really! Humana covers a vasectomy better than they will cover an IUD. Really!
I want to believe that it's because they are greedy bastards and not because of the inequalities in gendered medicine...but sadly I would say it's probably both.
Earlier in the week I sat at home in fear because I was worried I had a concussion and in the past 12 months I have seen my ER copay go up from $75 to $200, while I pay more each month in insurance.
Did I mention Humana reported record profits last year?
As I sit here whining because my insurance is awful, I remain thankful that I do have insurance. Yes, I can not afford the overinflated co-pays, or afford to purchase the medicine I need through my insurace becuase of the insufficient coverage. Although, seeing that I am the most accident prone person I have ever met, I remain thankful that it's there if I need it.
When it comes to woman's preventitive health, birth control options, or obtaining emergency contraceptives, no woman should ever feel judged, or afraid that she won't be able to afford preventitive or reproductive care..And until that day, it does not seem feasible to deny funding to an organization that benefits so many American woman and men. Those with and without insurance.
So Planned Parenthood, If you are out there...Thank you for being awesome.
Your staff is made up of amazing women, who are working there because they are passionate about helping other women in need. You listen to patients needs and take them into consideration when providing treatment. You do not judge, lecture, or put your own financial gain first.
I really think the world needs more healthcare providers like you.
Love, Emi
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